CCRN is a Kancheepuram district level NGOs Network who is primarily working for children schooling, education and protection. CCRN initiated by ACDS in the year 2007 to ensure child rights for children through likeminded NGOs and Activists. The Membership and activities spread over 13 blocks of Kancheepuram district. CCRN is directly working more than 60,000 population and 16,000 children belongs to 25 panchayat. Every panchayat CCRN organized child rights sensitization training for parents and community based organizations to improve their understanding on child rights and its implications at school, families and communities. Because of this CCRN motivated to promote Child Rights Protection Forums in each panchayat which is working for child rights implementation and protection for children.
In addition to this CCRN members were capacitated enough to obtain support and facilitation from various government institutions to protect children from abuse and violence in the district.
The CCRN members are maintaining constructive rapport with government officials and line departments to serve best for children. Moreover all member NGOs are directly working with regular schools in their panchayats anda strengthening the working relationships between parents and teachers through Parent Teachers Associations and School Management Committees. The Member NGOs promoted Child Rights Protection Forum-CRPF in all villages. Moreover all Member NGOs identified one Volunteer in each panchayat and they extend their maximum support for children to franchise their rights in the village and families.