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  • Mission

    Ensure safe situation for all children and they live with all rights and privileges ensure under law and culture.

  • Our Vision

    ACDS envisions a world where humanity is founded upon freedom, dignity, and hopeful happiness of children, women and not upon abuse and exploitation. ACDS is to act as facilitator, enabler and motivator towards this end.



Computer and Type Writing Skill for Boys and Girls :

To improve the knowledge and skills on computer ACDS is provide basic education for children on computer operations and programs through our Learning Information Center. This is free of cost for children and adult. The children provided basics on computer and simple software’s. On opening hours the children were provided to access the computer as well as holidays. Because of this education the children were away from fear of using computer. They were able to go to other places where able to handle computer skill and knowledge. In all our LICs we were provided computers. ACDS is also donated computers for elementary school where the children able access the computer skills. In rural setting this good opportunity for children in their village level.

In addition to computer ACDS is also providing typewriting practice for children and adults in English and Tamil. Every year more than 10 boys and girls were attending exam and 97% were pass for higher and other level. Because of this center children getting opportunity to learn type wring in their village level. ACDS is providing and arrange for examinations.


3/429, Sathankuppam,
Kelambakkam – 603 103,
Kanchipuram District,
Tamil Nadu, India.

Quick Contacts

Mobile : +91 - 9382-898-221

Phone : 044 - 27474021

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