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  • Mission

    Ensure safe situation for all children and they live with all rights and privileges ensure under law and culture.

  • Our Vision

    ACDS envisions a world where humanity is founded upon freedom, dignity, and hopeful happiness of children, women and not upon abuse and exploitation. ACDS is to act as facilitator, enabler and motivator towards this end.



Promotion of Child Rights Protection Forum - CRPF

Apart from regular agencies and organizations, ACDS promoted Child Rights Protection Forums - CRPFs in all villages to implement, monitor child rights and protection. To ensure this process Community Based Organizations at village level invited to participate in trainings and educational programs on UNCRC and Child Development. Approximately 25-30 CBOs leaders and government officials from that village level will participate. Suggested representatives, government officials and leaders are; WSHGs, Youth Clubs, Elected Panchayat Representatives, Schoolteachers, Ankanwadi Teachers, Village Education Committee, Parent Teachers Association, Village Level Health Worker and Village Administrative Officer will be invited for this child rights sensitize training.

Four rights (survival, protection, development and participation) of UNCRC, corporal punishment, approach on school based committees, Right to Education Act, child protection measures and Child Help Line 1098 will focused in the training. Based on the trainings and inputs Child Rights Protection Forum – CRPF at village level to implement, monitor and protect children from all kinds of violence and abuse. Out of total participants, 20 male and female will considered as Member of CRPF.

Following this, CRPF Members provided further education process to strengthen the CRPF. In this program, organizational process and procedures will discuss in detail. In addition to this various child protection process and its organizations, legal and advocacy measures, importance, reactivation of school based committees and resource mobilizations as well as the day-to-day functions of CRPF will discuss elaborately. Every CRPF will meet at least once in a month to take stock of child rights situation in that particular village.

It has requested and instructed to maintain appropriate documentation and recordings of all proceedings of CRPF for public and ensure transparency. Wherever possible the CRPF instructed to maintain its regular visit and monitoring the child rights position in regular schools, hostels, workplaces and children mobility points. The risk locations in the villages will be identified and make suitable efforts to prevent such situation through the support and cooperation of elected panchayat representatives and concern departments. In these trainings, external resource persons will invited to handle sessions.

As on this reporting period ACDS promoted 45 CRPF in this reporting period. Apart from this CRPF leaders were participated in advocacy and lobbying efforts along with protest and agitation to get justice for children. Now the CRPF leaders become capacity enough to handle issues and problems related to children. In this reporting year 45 CRPFs are functioning. The Children Panchayat and Child Rights protection Forum promoted in all villages to work for child rights implementation and protection in cohesive manner. They were provided opportunity to work as an inter-link at village / panchayat level. ACDS is facilitating this process through local Volunteers.


3/429, Sathankuppam,
Kelambakkam – 603 103,
Kanchipuram District,
Tamil Nadu, India.

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